Another cold front coupled with rainy weather expected for Western Cape from tomorrow
The South African Weather Service has issued another warning for strong cold fronts for the Western Cape.
According to weather service, two well-developed cold front systems will make landfall in the province tomorrow and Saturday.
The systems will bring rain, cold weather and gale-force winds.
Difficulty in navigation at sea between Saldhana Bay and Plettenberg Bay can also be expected this weekend.
AG finds municipalities still not showing clean audits
Auditor General Tsakani Maluleke has warned that crumbling infrastructure and financial mismanagement in municipalities continue.
Maluleke released a report on the country’s financial and audit outcomes for municipalities.
The report shows that only 38 of the 257 municipalities have clean audits. This is a decrease from the 41 municipalities that had clean audits last year.
Many South Africans fear unemployment
Results of recent research by Afrobarometer show that South Africans are most worried about unemployment.
Crime, electricity, water supply and corruption are also top of the list of things that worry the public.
The study showed that 52 percent of the interviewed respondents are most worried about unemployment.
South Africa has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world.
Baby boy’s babble more than girls- Study finds
According to a new scientific paper released this week, baby boys babble more than girls. The findings, published in iScience after the largest ever study on the subject, came as a surprise even to the paper’s authors, after the common belief was that females hold a language advantage over males early on in life.
They say it might be the result of an important sex difference that emerged during human evolution.