Community Corner


todayAugust 29, 2019 127

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A musical/comedy show with top SA entertainers like Craig Lucas, Paxton Fielies, hosted by Gary Naidoo with guest artists.

Come and enjoy the stars as they pay tribute to CHOC’s 40 years of existence…an evening filled with entertainment, hope, beauty, songs and comedy as we celebrate and share the immense strength and perseverance of children diagnosed with cancer and blood disorders (and their families).

Tickets only R145. Now on sale at Computicket.
Book here

CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation SA is a national organisation dedicated to providing assistance to children and teenagers that are battling cancer or life-threatening blood disorders, and their families. CHOC was established in 1979 by a parent group who had children battling cancer..

CHOC has Divisions in: Johannesburg, Pretoria, Free State, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Western Cape.

Our goal is to improve the welfare and quality of care provided to children and teenagers diagnosed with cancer and life threatening blood disorders.

More than 80% of the children are black South African citizens and come from disadvantaged backgrounds, CHOC, amongst our other services assists with a variety of practical and nutritional support to the children and families.

CHOC Western Cape Region’s three facilities that provide a ‘home away from home’ for disadvantaged families that travel long distances for treatment are very costly to sustain and any assistance received is highly valued.

The Tygerberg Lodge provides assistance to families receiving treatment at Tygerberg Hospital, while the Plumstead CHOC House & the Sybrand Park CHOC Houses take in families from Red Cross Children’s Hospital and the Groote Schuur Hospital who need specific assistance for nine months or longer.


Written by: Sean Loots

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todayAugust 28, 2019 370

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