
NewsWrap: Photo of falcon protecting her young wins bird photography of the year award

todaySeptember 5, 2023 81

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Cold, wet and snowy conditions still forecast for the Cape this week

Don’t dust off the speedo and bikini just yet as the South African weather service is warning of freezing cold weather conditions for the province this week. Temperatures in parts of the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape Provinces are expected to drop to near freezing resulting in snow and rain.

South Africa’s Middle class facing difficulties to pay back their loans

The latest Credit Stress Report indicates that South Africa’s middle class is facing difficulties in meeting their loan repayments due to the challenging economic conditions. During the second quarter, there was a 29.2% increase in new defaults on loans, marking the third consecutive double-digit rise, highlighting the ongoing strain on monthly budgets caused by the tough economic climate.

Traffic Corporation warning motorists to renew their vehicle licenses 

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) says it will be sending warnings to over one-million motorists of vehicle licences that are about to expire.
There are currently one-million-49-thousand-412 licences that are set to expire this month.
The Traffic Corporation says should they not be renewed penalties will be incurred.

Photo of falcon protecting her young wins bird photography of the year award

Photographer Jack Zhi has won the Bird Photographer of the Year award for his striking image of a female peregrine falcon protecting her young in California. His photograph stood out among more than 20,000 entries. Zhi spent four years attempting to capture this rare moment of the falcon attacking large brown pelicans with remarkable speed and agility. The image captures the surprised and scared expression in the eyes of the pelican.

Written by: IOL News

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NewsWrap: 90 year old man reaches Japans highest peak in wheelchair 

ANC and DA receive combined R43million in donations between April and June this year During the period of April to June this year, the ANC and the DA collectively received R43million in donations. Both parties reported these donations to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The ANC obtained R20million in donations, while the DA received slightly under R23million. The IEC noted that these donation figures are among the highest since the […]

todaySeptember 1, 2023 80

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