
US company uses recycled greywater to create beer

todayAugust 2, 2023 42

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Dams at over 100% full but COCT says we should still use water sparingly 

We should not be having a false sense of water security for the future. That’s the warning from the City’s Mayco Member for Water and Sanitation Dr Zahid Badroodien, as reports have emerged that our dam levels are just over 100 percent full. Badroodien says that his department is focusing on its New Water Programme plans which aims to bring an extra 300 million litres of water per day online by 2030.

Breastfeeding Week observed till Monday 

The City of Cape Town’s Health Directorate says it wants to have at least 50% of mothers breastfeeding their babies. This comes as World Breastfeeding Week is observed until Monday. The City says that clinics across the Cape are equipped to provide assistance and answer any questions or concerns you may have.


The South African Breastmilk Reserve says it has helped more than 45,000 infants between 2003 and March this year. The organisation provides breastmilk to vulnerable babies.

Parliament building restoration could cost more than R2-billion 

Government is proposing to have the Parliamentary buildings restored to its former glory by November 2025. But the rebuild will not come cheap as parliament has estimated repair costs at more than R2-billion. The parliamentary precinct was destroyed in a fire in January last year.

VIP protection officers granted bailed of R10k each 

The eight VIP protection officers caught on camera assaulting members of the public have been granted bail of R10,000 each. In the court case it was heard that the NPA does not know the identity of the star witness in the assault case. Because of this the magistrate said that the state had put forth a weak and frail case with insufficient evidence. The accused are expected back in court on the 27th of September.

US company uses recycled greywater to create beer

A company in California is now using a San Francisco residential building’s wastewater to create beer. Believe it or not but the company is creating drinkable beer from recycled water which comes out of showers, sinks and washing machines at a 40 story luxury apartment. The beer is currently not on sale due to regulations banning recycled wastewater from being used in commercial beverages but it proved to be a big hit at a conference on sustainable building technologies.

Written by: IOL News

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MP’s worried National Assembly won’t be reconstructed before deadline

MP's worried National Assembly won't be reconstructed before deadline Members of Parliament are worried that the deadline of reconstructing Parliamentary precinct by 2025 will not be met. The Development Bank of Southern Africa was given the task and deadline of reconstructing the National Assembly. The building was destroyed by fire in January last year. Many domestic workers lost their jobs over the past year- report The 2023 Report on Domestic […]

todayJuly 31, 2023 64

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