The Reach For A Dream Foundation fulfils over 1 200 dreams per year and touches the lives of over 30 000 children across South Africa; inspiring hope where it is most needed. But during these unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic, their dreamers are more vulnerable than ever, and their need for inspiration to keep fighting a life-threatening illness has increased dramatically.
Now, more than ever before, these little heroes who are fighting real battles need everyday heroes (like you and me) to show support and inspire courage and strength through the fulfilment of dreams.
Be a Hero For A Day and join Reach For A Dream in partnership with Waterra Outdoor Adventures on Saturday, the 27th of June for their Hero Race: Be A Hero For Our Heroes.
“By fulfilling dreams, we believe that children can use their dreams to help them in their fight against illnesses, and to help them live a greater and more fulfilling life.” says Julia Sotirianakos, CEO: Reach For A Dream.
With this in mind, the Foundation invites everyone: young and young at heart, fit and unfit – to participate in The Hero Race to show support to the dreamers and help raise funds for the fulfilment of dreams. The cost to enter the race is R30 per person and includes a choice of 3 obstacles of varying fitness levels.
For more information and to enter visit >
“We’ve seen some miraculous things happen once a child has experienced a dream.” says Mervyn Serebro, Chairman: Reach For A Dream. “Doctors sometimes scratch their heads, and are unable to explain how a child has suddenly improved and at times, gone into remission.”
To spread the word and to have fun, The Foundation also encourages everyone to nominate 3 friends or 3 families at R30 per person and share their photo’s on social media with the hashtag #beahero. Spot prizes to be won.
Follow the Foundation’s social media pages for further updates on the event and to view all the hero’s on 27th June.
Enter today and be sure to upload your #heroforaday photo on 27th June.
Let’s show our little hero’s that life is worth fighting for.